
Interacting with items

Items are like variables. They have a name and a value (which can be anything). Items from openhab use the item name from openhab and get created when HABApp successfully connects to openhab or when the openhab configuration changes. Items from MQTT use the topic as item name and get created as soon as a message gets processed.

Some item types provide convenience functions, so it is advised to always set the correct item type.

The preferred way to get and create items is through the class factories get_item and get_create_item since this ensures the proper item class and provides type hints when using an IDE!


from HABApp.core.items import Item
my_item = Item.get_create_item('MyItem', initial_value=5)   # This will create the item if it does not exist
my_item = Item.get_item('MyItem')                           # This will raise an exception if the item is not found

If an item value gets set there will be a ValueUpdateEvent on the event bus. If it changes there will be additionally a ValueChangeEvent, too.

It is possible to check the item value by comparing it

from HABApp.core.items import Item
my_item = Item.get_item('MyItem')

# this works
if my_item == 5:
    pass    # do something

# and is the same as this
if my_item.value == 5:
    pass    # do something

An overview over the item types can be found on the HABApp item section, the openhab item section and the the mqtt item section


It is possible to listen to events through the listen_event() function. The passed function will be called as soon as an event occurs and the event will pe passed as an argument into the function.

There is the possibility to reduce the function calls to a certain event type with an additional parameter (typically ValueUpdateEvent or ValueChangeEvent).

An overview over the events can be found on the HABApp event section, the openhab event section and the the mqtt event section


from HABApp import Rule
from import ValueChangeEvent, ValueUpdateEvent
from HABApp.core.items import Item

class MyRule(Rule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.listen_event('MyOpenhabItem', self.on_change, ValueChangeEvent)    # will trigger only on ValueChangeEvent
        self.listen_event('My/MQTT/Topic', self.on_update, ValueUpdateEvent)    # will trigger only on ValueUpdateEvent

        # If you already have an item you can and should use the more convenient method of the item
        # to listen to the item events
        my_item = Item.get_item('MyItem')
        my_item.listen_event(self.on_change, ValueUpdateEvent)

    def on_change(self, event: ValueChangeEvent):
        assert isinstance(event, ValueChangeEvent), type(event)

    def on_update(self, event: ValueUpdateEvent):
        assert isinstance(event, ValueUpdateEvent), type(event)


Additionally there is the possibility to filter not only on the event type but on the event values, too. This can be achieved by passing an instance of EventFilter as event type. There are convenience Filters (e.g. ValueUpdateEventFilter and ValueChangeEventFilter) for the most used event types that provide type hints.

class, **kwargs)
class, old_value=_MissingType.MISSING)


from HABApp import Rule
from import EventFilter, ValueUpdateEventFilter, ValueUpdateEvent
from HABApp.core.items import Item

class MyRule(Rule):
    def __init__(self):
        my_item = Item.get_item('MyItem')

        # This will only call the callback for ValueUpdateEvents where the value==my_value
        my_item.listen_event(self.on_val_my_value, ValueUpdateEventFilter(value='my_value'))

        # This is the same as above but with the generic filter
        my_item.listen_event(self.on_val_my_value, EventFilter(ValueUpdateEvent, value='my_value'))

    def on_val_my_value(self, event: ValueUpdateEvent):
        assert isinstance(event, ValueUpdateEvent), type(event)



With the scheduler it is easy to call functions in the future or periodically. Do not use time.sleep but rather Another very useful function is as it can simplify many rules!




Run the callback as soon as possible (typically in the next second).


Run the callback in x seconds or at a specified time.


Run a function after a time has run down


Run a function periodically


Run a function every minute


Run a function every hour


Run a function at a specific time every day


Run a function at a specific time on workdays


Run a function at a specific time on weekends


Run a function at a specific time on specific days of the week


Run a function on dawn


Run a function on sunrise


Run a function on sunset


Run a function on dusk

All functions return an instance of ScheduledCallbackBase

class HABApp.rule.scheduler.HABAppSchedulerView(rule)
at(time, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a a job that will run at a specified time.

  • time (Union[None, datetime, timedelta, time, int]) –

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

countdown(expire_time, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Run a job a specific time after calling reset() of the job. Another subsequent call to reset() will start the countdown again.

  • expire_time (Union[timedelta, float, int]) – countdown in seconds or a timedelta obj

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

every(start_time, interval, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run at a specific interval.

  • start_time (Union[None, datetime, timedelta, time, int]) – First execution time

  • interval (Union[int, float, timedelta]) – Interval how the job is repeated

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_day_of_week(time, weekdays, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run at a certain time on certain days during the week.

  • time (Union[time, datetime]) – Time when the job will run

  • weekdays (Union[str, Iterable[Union[str, int]]]) – Day group names (e.g. 'all', 'weekend', 'workdays'), an iterable with day names (e.g. ['Mon', 'Fri']) or an iterable with the isoweekday values (e.g. [1, 5]).

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_every_day(time, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run at a certain time of day

  • time (Union[time, datetime]) – Time when the job will run

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type


on_sunrise(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run on sunrise, requires a location to be set

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_sunset(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run on sunset, requires a location to be set

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_sun_dawn(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run on dawn, requires a location to be set

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_sun_dusk(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run on dusk, requires a location to be set

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

soon(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Run the callback as soon as possible.

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type


every_minute(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Picks a random second and runs the callback every minute

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type


every_hour(callback, *args, **kwargs)

Picks a random minute and second and run the callback every hour

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type


on_weekends(time, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run at a certain time on weekends.

  • time (Union[time, datetime]) – Time when the job will run

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

on_workdays(time, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Create a job that will run at a certain time on workdays.

  • time (Union[time, datetime]) – Time when the job will run

  • callback – Function which will be called

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments that will be passed to the function

Return type



Created job

Running external tools

External tools can be run with the execute_subprocess() function. Once the process has finished the callback will be called with an FinishedProcessInfo instance as first argument. Example:

import HABApp

class MyExecutionRule(HABApp.Rule):

    def __init__(self):

        self.execute_subprocess( self.func_when_finished, 'path_to_program', 'arg1', capture_output=True)

    def func_when_finished(self, process_info):
        assert isinstance(process_info, HABApp.rule.FinishedProcessInfo)

class HABApp.rule.FinishedProcessInfo(returncode, stdout, stderr)

Information about the finished process.

  • returncode (int) – Return code of the process (0: IO, -1: Exception while starting process)

  • stdout (str) – Standard output of the process or None

  • stderr (str) – Error output of the process or None

How to properly use rules from other rule files

This example shows how to properly get a rule during runtime and execute one of its function. With the proper import and type hint this method provides syntax checks and auto complete.

Rule instances can be accessed by their name (typically the class name). In the HABApp.log you can see the name when the rule is loaded. If you want to assign a custom name, you can change the rule name easily by assigning it to self.rule_name in __init__.


Always look up rule every time, never assign to a class member! The rule might get reloaded and then the class member will still point to the old unloaded instance.

import HABApp

class ClassA(HABApp.Rule):

    def function_a(self):


import HABApp
import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:            # This is only here to allow
    from .rule_a import ClassA      # type hints for the IDE

class ClassB(HABApp.Rule):

    def function_b(self):

        r = self.get_rule('ClassA')  # type: ClassA
        # The comment "# type: ClassA" will signal the IDE that the value returned from the
        # function is an instance of ClassA and thus provide checks and auto complete.

        # this calls the function on the instance

All available functions

class HABApp.Rule
post_event(name, event)

Post an event to the event bus

  • name – name or item to post event to

  • event – Event class to be used (must be class instance)


listen_event(name, callback, event_type=<class ''>)

Register an event listener

  • name (Union[BaseValueItem, str]) – item or name to listen to. Use None to listen to all events

  • callback (Callable[[Any], Any]) – callback that accepts one parameter which will contain the event

  • event_type (Union[Type[AllEvents], EventFilter, Any]) – Event filter. This is typically ValueUpdateEvent or ValueChangeEvent which will also trigger on changes/update from openhab or mqtt. Additionally it can be an instance of EventFilter which additionally filters on the values of the event. There are also templates for the most common filters, e.g. ValueUpdateEventFilter and ValueChangeEventFilter

Return type


execute_subprocess(callback, program, *args, capture_output=True)

Run another program

  • callback – Function which will be called after process has finished. First parameter will be an instance of FinishedProcessInfo

  • program – program or path to program to run

  • args – Positional arguments that will be passed to the function

  • capture_output – Capture program output, set to False to only capture return code



Register a function with no parameters which will be called when the rule is unloaded. Use this for custom cleanup functions.


func (Callable[[], Any]) – function which will be called


Add a weakref to an obj which has a cancel function. When the rule gets unloaded the cancel function will be called (if the obj was not already garbage collected)



static get_items(type=None, name=None, tags=None, groups=None)

Search the HABApp item registry and return the found items.

  • type (Union[Tuple[Type[~TYPE_ITEM], …], Type[~TYPE_ITEM], None]) – item has to be an instance of this class

  • name (Union[str, Pattern[str], None]) – str (will be compiled) or regex that is used to search the Name

  • tags (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – item must have these tags (will return only instances of OpenhabItem)

  • groups (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – item must be a member of these groups (will return only instances of OpenhabItem)

Return type

Union[List[~TYPE_ITEM], List[BaseItem]]


Items that match all the passed criteria